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Sunday, December 20, 2020

Email to Harris


Dr med Regina Geilich, Böckmannstr. 3, 59439 Holzwickede , Germny 

 rmgeilich@gmail.com , rmgeilich.blogspot.com


 open letter published in blog 

 see also open letter to FDA , EMA an Biontech company and so on published in blog 


Mrs. Kamala Harris, Vice- President elect

Item: political szenarios for preparing the third World War and a world´s totalitatrism dictatorship 

Dear Mrs. Karmala Harris,

congratulations for the elected Vice -President of the USA. 

Unfortunately I am very concerned about the next legislation period for starting the third World 


In reports on public German TV : ZDF Zoom „Gefährliche Verbindungen“ ( dangerous 

connections), we could hear that the FBI already had !!! very old files !!! of Donald Trump history 

before he became candidate and president from that time as he went to Russia in the 80th wanted to 

build a Trump Tower in Moskau and then returning for becoming president , later on financed by 

the russian mafia money of russian criminal people. Now we could see that they will take him to 

law court for many reasons, but also may blaming him for high treason working together or send by

Russia to sentence him to death : only for one reason: take this happening for starting the third 

World War for govnerment change in Russia and China.

BUT as the report showed that the FBI and CIA and the governments before did already had known 

this connections and the financiation of Donald Trump by Russian mafia before and had this old 

filse of trumpalreda before : Why did the secret service did this big fault keeping this files closed 

before Trump became president and so the CIA and the gvernmens had pushed the usa in this 

security desaster by themselves ? : Is this evidence that they want to use it later on exactly fo this 

reason : to start the third world war with this information ? 

So why the secret service and the US Kongress did not had taken out D. Trump out of election 

campaign before causing this state security problems by themselves with this own big fault in 

function when they had already known this facts that he was in contact with the Russian 

governemnt , then wanting to become president of the USA and then later was sponsered by 

Russian mafia ??? 

So wasn´t it a big and illegal fault in function of the US government and their secret services CIA 

and FBI and the Congress by themselves before and done on purpose to let Donald Trump become a

candidate for presidency by supporting him with this active suppressing of files of Donald Trump´s 

dangerous history with Russia already known before he became candidate ?? 

And wasn´t it a self made safety problem by the us govermennt and the secret service itself with 

violating your own US constitutional safety regulations to let Donald Trump become a candidate for

the highest position of the US State with this already known personal history and existing files ??? 

Did the secret services have caused this security risks by themselves with this supressing of files of 

Donald Trump before his election ??? 

Is this suppressing of already existing files of the secret services a big fault of the secret services , 

the government and the US -Kongress themselves for misusing this own fault against Donald 

Trump later on for international political interest for creating diplomatic affaires against Russia ???

Was this fault done on purpose for creating a self - made szenario for blaming Russia of 

undermining the US democracy but in fact it was a simple security fault of the US themselve ??

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