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Sunday, December 20, 2020

Email to Harris 4

 like the Nehterlands and with their members on the political elite networks sitting in political parties

as well as in important positions of economy, financial , media system and international institutions.

Our media told us :the are sitting in 6000 international positions and functions working together 

undermining the whole world policy. 

The Britains fighted with France over 100 jears , later their Monarch was killed, althoug he had 

accepted a constitutional monarchy in France. The Briains fighted in the USA , but the USA could 

win three independence wars and then the poeple gave themselves their own constitutiton as a basic 

act of democracy. 

The Britains are now the head of not only the commonwealth of the 53 nations , but also over 120 

nations. So who are the other ones ? 

The Britsih cown is only allowed to visit nations they are the head of ! Queen Elisabeth visited 

Germany in 1965 after 20 jears of negotiations , and after firing the German monarch, teh direct 

cousin of Kong Goerg V, and distract all aristocratic privileges in Germany ! In November, 20th, 

Prince Charles, representing Queen Eisabeth , again visited Germany , speaking in German 

parliament. : in 1965 Queen Elizabeth visited the British zone in the North, the French one in the 

middle , but also the American zone in the South. How can this happen ? So is the USA under the 

head of a hidden and secret British Monarchy poltically controlled and managed by the old British 

aristocracy as well as France and Germany. And the Britains are on their way to become the one 

and only mornarchy on earth, the (hidden) political leader and the religious leader all in one 

person ? 

Parliament district in Lonon is a special district, as well as the district of Washington D.C.. So US -

citizens are not allowed to take part in the election. Why not? Does it mean that this district is not 

belonging to the US State at all ? Who is then the owner? Is it the property of the Queen of GB and 

the juridical base to underrule the US democracy with the white privileged ideology of the British 

aristocracy represented in the members of the political elite networks in all important positions and 

political parties which makes so much trouble in the USA since centuries musunign the su state as a 

big militaristic ower for their own advantages ? Is this violating the US constitution by 

undermining the USA as a democracy with a monarchistic system not following the us constitution 

with another hidden and secret ideology. Is this high treason ? 

The british agenda wants to install a new wolrd order, also placed on the dollar note, Washington D,

C. architecture is based on the political elite networks symbolic. The aim is to install a world wide 

economic zone with only global business crashing down the regional middle class economy 

worldwide, installing a technocratic led plutocracy without citizens rigths and violating 

international laws of other souverane states . The British crown wants to beome the one and only 

world power. They said the world leadership can only be realized by crashing down the old cultures 

of middle East and Europe. Mid East at all is in devastating, using phospor and low radioactive 

bombs and landmines agaisnt civilans making profit in uranium deals by the British crown itself . 

Rudolf Steiner could give evidence for the long term preparation of the 1. and 2. world war to crash 

down continental Europe in the first step , firing European monarchies , especially crashing down 

the world leading Germany as export world champion , in research , medicine, economy, chemistry, 

physics , literature with a lot of nobel awards and the first oscar award that time . 

The coronapandemie is a classic example of the strategy , the new world order ist working with : 

the strategy for realizing new political decision is to make pressure on the poeple with self created 

„szenarios“! The Rockefeller Foundation planned this and published it 2010 :here „locksted“, it is 

based on a dangerous SARS -Virus, but the pandemie is based on an unspecific RT - PCR -Test 

detecting „all asian viruses“ of the WHO research point in Berlin, the pandemie could later spread 

around in the world based on wrong information of China and the WHO with „ no human to human 

infection“ , by open boundaries via international airports, this superspreading ways are all 

researched by the WHO before , sponsered by gates foundation as well as politicians. This now is 

taken as a reason for locking down the middle class economy into insolvency, reducing basic citizen

rights, empowering governments, overburden the european high solidarity social system and health 

system with susidiarity pinciples to change it into privacy , effecting high financial depths in Europe

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