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Sunday, December 20, 2020

Email to Harris 2

 Isn´t this suppression of Donald Trumps files with important security information an active 

violation of the US safety regulations by the CIA and governments before the election of a 

candidate and an illegal ongoing of the government before not to stopp him as an candidate ? 

Is this illegal strategy of the govenment before a hard evidence that the government and the secret 

services together had suppressed this files for one and only purpose : to brign it out later fro misuse 

it creating a scandale szenario against Russia with it ??? 

And was the email affaire of Hillary Clinton by the highest general prosecutor giving out this facts 

shortly before the votation day an illegal and active manipulation of the election of the US general 

prosecutor itself and a violation of the US laws not to influence the election :?

Wasn´t it clear that the email affaire would blaming the other candidate Hillary Clinton for her big 

safety damaging behaviour that would take away her many votations ??? 

But was this manipulation an active help to candidate Donald Trump going into the oval office by 

blaming the other candidate shortly before the votation day with the result to bring Trump in the 

oval office because they needed him later for starting the Russia skandal with Trump for musuning 

it for the third world war ?? ??

Was n´t it an active and illegal manipulation of the election by the US - judiciary itself ? 

In contradiction to the last election now , the judiciary had stopped the running investigation started 

in 2018 against Joe Binden´s son , drug addicted Hunter Biden, for corruption business deals of 

gasoline company Burisma in Ukraine and China between 2009 til 2017 about violating taxation 

laws and monetary fraud in advantage of his father´s position altough father Jo Biden as the vice -

president responsible for the Ukraine was involved in it. And this question was not checked before 

the election for not influencing the election although the investigation outcome would have been a 

important and deciding fact for the voters in criminal and political affairs of the Bidens? 

Was the Rosegarden event with 6 guests, positivly corona tested without wearing face mask for 

protection , one lady directly sitting behind First Lady Melania , a direct attack on the president, 

not only harming his health but also blaming his opinion about a planned fake Pandemie for 

manipulating the election with his infection disease in the last part of the election campaign ? Is this

how US democracy is working ? 

Is this one of those szenarios of the last decades leading the public mind and manipulating votations

of the miliardärs plutocracy ordered by the British monarchy in the background like the running 

„corona plandemie“, planned by the Rockefeller Foundation „Szenarios for the Future of 

Technology and Global Business -here: „ locksted“ and by global business network GBN for 

overtaking the middle class economy especially in Europe, organsized and financed by the Gates 

Foundation for chipping the world population togehter with microsoft „ ID 2020“ for controlling 

all the pople world wide and reducing the population by vaccinating them with dangerous and new 

kind of vacinations without the normal safety checks over the long term peroid for killing them by 

autoimmune disaeses and cancer , both already expected ? 

Is this the US democracy planning this under der the hidden head of the British monarchy deciding 

all this deasters in their secret crown counsil in London ?

Are there parallels to other szenarios created by government themselves , e.g. the 9/11 attacks the 

CIA had already have many informations about before? Has President Bush stopped the CIA 

handing it over to the FBI because he needed a “Pearl Habour effect to go against Aghanistan“ for 

starting a geostrategic and ressource War , because there is a trillion dollar worth in ground with 

seldom minerals needed for profit business in digital times and therefore a shocking event was 

wellcomed to misuse this as a well known psychological effect strategy in policy for sstarting 

militarism ? As we could here it on German TV in an interview a FBI member gave evidence that 

this desaster could have been stopped if they had got this information of the CIA in time !!!???

Isn ´t this self made szenario of Donald Trump well known history by the CIA another perfect 

happening and media skandal for a shocking event for starting the third world war ? 

But in fact was not it the fault of the FBI and CIA and the govenment itself to let Trump becoming 

candidate for president with his well known connections to Russia , because the FBI has already

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