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Friday, June 29, 2018

gegen ein krimelles System

UnAids Secretary ,
20 , Avenue Appia, CH, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland
aidsinfo@unaids.org. communications@unaids.org, Bids@unaids.org, fraudreporting@unaids.org

HIV- elimenation- therapie for healing AIDS exsits !!

Dear Secretary,
as a physician I would like to inform you about information I got from specialists of immunology that a therapy for healing AIDS is existing in responsibility for around 35 Million infected poeple .
It is called HIV- elimination- therapy. Therefore you have to give 30 g MCT Infusion (middle chain trigyceride ) per central intravenous for minimum 30 days ( e.g. Lipidem from Braun AG in Melsungen)  and a last togehter with diazepam lipuro three times a day 2ml ampulle for 8 days to clean the liquor cerebrospinalis as well .When the first  cheme fails it will be successful the second time.!
It is said that HI- Virus is originally an infectious ape disease mutated in US biological military labs after the `Club´ of Rome published the book " limits of growth " in the 70th jears last century, strengthening that under ongoning of the increase of populations earth will faile . This disease reduced human beings in poor regions on earth not having enough money for a test or the therapy either.
The knowledge is not let into marktes because the markets nowadays are company-controlled for getting the maximum profit out of it.They can realize this with the disease as well , so it is only used by the secret services for eliminating people out of societies by infecting them on purpose not giving them the correct diagnose to let them die under wrong diagnoses .
This can be a special dangerous pneumonia dignosed by X ray with the samt outlook or under a therapieresistent epilepsia. In the last case survival is possible under the a neuologicl second line therapie I mentioned above to safe the life for this person in the status of dementia after getting structural brain damages from HIV- Infection as the real reason for this epilepsia.
This false negative diagnose can easily done by manipulating central IT -systems by giving in false negative CRP test result and HIV -test result connected to the name of the targeted person or by exchanging the company specific solubles for HIV quick tests at the public HIV information offices informing the director over taregted people.
I gave this information to several  HIV - groups in Europe but they could not bring it out. Unfortunately the plane MH 17 where all people were travelling to the world AIDS congress in Melbourne was shot down over the Ukraine . According to publishings in a German political journal "The Spiegel " it is obvious that this happened by tricking the east rebbellions with a jet fighter of the US -friend Porochenko to shot with ground-launched russian rockets but then not destroying the jetfighter which was just turning away in the right moment after starting the rocket  then reaching the travelling civilian plane directly in the same direction above - all under the high resolution satellites from the US -Imperium ! Unfortunately the US government is not willing to give out the military pictures- this it always secret - we should not know !! If this procedure would have failed Porochenko had installed the same ground lauchned rockets at that day although the east rebellions are only ground troops not using fighters. So he obviously could do this job if needed  !. It was only Gerrmany and Netherland who internationally have not closed the air space for civilian travellings over the Ukraine altougth it was already known that is is too dangerous to use it.  At that time Germany and the Netherlands have already trained a Rapid Reaction Force troops before this plane accident happended to fight in the Ukraine with Porochenko . After my publications about this happenings they did not start ! The "reason" to go there obviously did not work any more !
If you want to get more information of the militarism of illegal wars of the USA -Imperium or the matrix of lies we are living in under fully manipulation with politically controlled mainstreammedia read my whistleblower and policital blog "rmgeilich.blogspot.com" or read the book "illegale Kriege " by Daniele Ganser , a historican of University of Zürich, Switzerland, now SIPER Institue, Basel !
yours sincerely
Dr .med Regina- Maria Geilich          

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