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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Urgent Help an AIDS Stiftung bislang unbeantwortet


Hiv Eliminationtherapie urgent help
regina geilich
an Office
25. Aug.
From: Dr med Regina Geilich , Böckmannstr. 3, 59439 Holzwickede, Germany 
           z. zt.  Hannover , Niedersachsen , Germany , rmgeilich @gmail.com

                                                                                       URGENT  INFORMATION
To :                                                                                 PLEASE SEND FORWARD  
Prof. Dr. Luc Antoine Montagnier ,
1.: President of World Foundation for Aids Research and Prevention, WFARP,
c/o Frau C.Restif, UNESCO , c.restif@unesco.org
1956 Inatomi ONO, Ibi-gun, GIFU 501 -0501, Japan, en.wfarp-japan.com, Fax : 81-585-343858  
c/o Yukiyasu Hayashi,  Secretary General of WFARP, president and active mandate of Fondation Mondiale Recherche et Prevention SIDA ( FMRPS)  at Fondation Osata Research Institute, Swiss , c/o Me Olivier Brunisholz, Secretary, Place Notre -Dame 4, -1700 Fribourg, CH,  mail@bblaw.ch
2.: Academia Europea, Member 106  
     c/o Dr. David Coates execsec@acadeuro.org 
      TeresaMcGovern admin@acadeuro.org  
      Dana Kaiser office@ae-info.org

Prof Dr.  Alain Schuhl , 
Directeur general delegue a la science , Rue Michel Ange, 75016 Paris, France, 
Global Council for Science and the Environment, 1776 Eye Street NY, Suite 750 , Washington, DC, 20006, GCSE@GCSEglobal.org

Item : 
urgent help for giving evidence of a HIV VIRUS Infektion in lumbal space in my person and for the HIV -Elimination therapie with MCT oil in Body and an effective virocid -therapy with Diazapem lipuro and Aspirin i.v. for the lumbal  space and  brain behind the blood -brain -barriere

Dear Mr. President Prof. Dr.  Luc Antoine  Montagnier and Colleges of WFARP ,
and member 106 of Academia Europaea,
Dear Mr President  Prof . Dr. Directeur general delegue a la science , Fondation  CNRS , France  
Dear Yukiyasu Hayashi , Foundation of Osata Research Institute, 

As one of the leading and mostly honoured virologists and researchers and also President of World Foundation for Aids Research and Prevention, WFARP,  the CNRS and Osata Research Institute I would be pleased to get urgent support and help from you to give evidence for the healing of this dangerous disease with this infection in my body, now only left in lumbal space.

As a specialist for interne medicine and also assistant physician of gynacology and obstretics for some years  later I must had a sexual transferred Virus -infection be seen at inner vulva with the typical viral skin reaction after a few days. I could exclude all other sexual transferred diseases by lab , except of HIV. The symptoms decreased later by HAART Therapie. Public HIV -tests were taken out of market. At that time I was forced to have a lumbal anaesthesie for a knee operation After a while an increasing headache started I never had before. I could decrease the pain with Haart therapie as well. 
I was informed by German immunology experts on Congresses that a HIV elimination therapy exists : Lipofundin 20 % MCT for 30 days by central venous catheter, maybe repeated if not totally  successful first . But at once this medikation was taken out of public market. You can take it also oral as „Ceres“  100% MCT Oil , a spoon a day for around 18 months,  to sweep the virus out of the body, then I stopped Haart when I could get the public HIV test now negative. . 
The alternative virocid therapy - cheme for brain and lumbal spine in off -label -use behind the blood -brain -barriere was given to me from experts as well : Diazepam lipuro 2ml, with goes over 95% into the brain and lumbal space in this lipophil galenik, given three times a day i.v. for 8 days. The second cheme is two 500mg Aspirin i.v. a day for 14 days with Ibuprofen tablets half an hour before each injektion for blocking the cytochromoxygenase in liver to reduce bleeding risks.  But I could not get a final stop of this headache ; its always returned after an intervall. I think the Virus was introduced in the lumbal spine by punction , but the concentration of the virus was too high to reduce it totally. 
The free HIV -tests were out of market for years and the medical testings were fixed negative combined with my data internationally : the HIV test and CRP as well. In the meantime I had a Borreliose with IGM antibodies of the acute infektion with typical skin reaction , but the CRP test was negative at the same time.  
In the meantime I could get the body free and after over 10 jears the now again available free HIV tests on market is negative now, but the virus obviously still exists in the lumbal spine. One of the two off label use medication was also taken out of market for over a year now, so I could not get the virus out of lumbal space . Althought of an absolute indiciation before, I could not get an officially lumbalpunction in hospital till now . 

So please help me to get the evidence of this cheap and healing therapie tested for all people on world ! Its exactly your foundation´s research task at WFARP ,  CNRS and Osata Research Institute to get a solution for this disease ! You are all ambitious and free research institutions ;  so I would be pleased all foundations – maybe all together - could do coworking to solve the international world wide problem of AIDS and also to help me out of my desaster not getting the correct diagnose :  

I am a political activist and blogger, I published my case as a political target in my blog since June 2009 in my blog > rmeilich.blogspot.com < and revealed the political background of politics of the US GB - Imperium further on and also actually of the coronapandemie scenario since October 2020:  now we are all endangered by the preparations of the third world war; it will destroy old Europe by an atomic war and government change in the Russia and China , as well as afghanistan  -with neutronic bombs for the one and only world government of the US - GB -Imperium.   
Against this humanistic desaster of the new world order and the future of Europe I am working and publishing, 18 senators in USA still had quit their political work while informing the congress last legislation period .   
I need help urgently before the governments election end of september in Germany. Then the politicians will destroy me as an political activist working and blogging against the third world war and now the coronapendemie destruction of economy and society  -in knowledge that the first and second world war wittnessed by Rudolf Steiner of Thule society and founder of the free Universtiy in Dornach near Basel / Switzerland  were also preapred by the US GB Imperium to start the destruction of Europe, other monarchies and now to gain the one and only leaderhship of the whole world with the third world using totalistic suveillance systems against all peoples and a frozen company -controlled ecnomy market for the benefit of some plutocrats . 
So I eagerly need the lab immunological test evidence of a healed HIV -infection in body and the evidence of the HI -Virus in lumbal space.  Otherwise I am endangered now: the politicians will put me in psychiatric hospital blaming me to be psychotic, hysteric of infectious delusion for violating me with a structural brain injury pushing me into idiotie to get rid of me and my political engagement against the next world War, can start next jear ! 

Yours Sincerely 
Dr med Regina -Maria Geilich

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