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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Stiftungsanfrage ebenfalls vergeblich


Important Support
regina geilich
an Media
6. Juni
Dr med Regina Maria Geilich                                                       rmgeilich.blogspot.com,
former 59439 Holzwickede , Boeckmannstr, 3 Germany,  now homeless  

-----------------------   important ---------------------------------------  

please send further on directly to McKenzie Scott

DearMcKenzie Scott, 
Dear members of „ TheGivingPledge“     shortened letter ist already sent on "contact"

as a political blogger and activist I am engaged in the struggle against  the just ongoing organisation and preparation of the 3.WW for a government change in Russia (atomic war in Europe  for social political, cultural permanent destruction of the continent ) and China /Asia (neutronic war for political and ressources without radiation )  . This will be the biggest humane and environmental desaster on earth in humane history ever with billions of death victims for reduction of the world population and besides destruction of God´s recreation.  
Since over 10 jears I am only working for the issue preventing all of us from this desaster by analyzing the real political powers  and political agenda. 

So I could figure out the correct fully political agenda for the 1.  and 2.  WW. being organized and financed before by GB wittnessed by political network insider, the Austrian Rudolf Steiner.  I informed the US - Kongress about it in autumn 2019 , a few senators quit immediately for ever in Trump´ s legislation period.
 The ways of realizing this political agenda is decided freely in the secret crown council in the „Queen in Parliament“ without a constitution in GB and later further realized in all west democracies.
In political science this kind of democracy is defined as „ institutional fake democracy“ because poeple do not have any influence on the political agenda, nor on the candidates choosen for political positions. People are only able to legitimate the next political legislation period formally by votation with a cross of so calels established and New worl order mainstreamed parties. Nothing else. 
This „instiutional fake democracies“ are existing all over the west for the realization of this given Agenda , also in Germany : our constitution was given us after the 2 .WW by the USA.
The political candidates normally are choosen by the heads of the political parties - pushed in as insiders of political networks or incorrectly pushed out of a position like Berny Sanders for the benefit of Clinton as a part of the existing political establishment. The highest position of EU , the EU - Comissionar , Ursula von der Leyen , was never a candidate to be choosen in the election, nor a member of one of the political parties in EU -Parliament before the votation. The EU in this status of democracy was a invention of the GB after the militaristic crash down of Europes states in 1. and 2. WW , the socialistic sowjetunion and yugoslavia following  . 
This political candidates elected or choosen this way have to swear in this given political Agenda of te US GB  Imperium  based on several thousands years of old transferred God´s illuinations or the ones in the old and new testament of the bibel  ( Jeremia , Johannes ) - they are not swearing in the  constitution of the USA ! 
This Agenda is realized by political networks insiders ( freemasonaries , skulls and bones , illuminati  etc. ) orginally working for common wellfare but later converted criminally into the political networks only for the interests of the British crown becoming the political, religious and militaristic head of the „one world government“ with the only remaining ruling monarchy of the world via the the US -GB Imperium wittnessed by network insiders.
The agenda itself is hidden to the public. Therefore it is not specific mentioned in policy or Media , it is always fulffilled in little steps so that people do not recognize it, politicians are using special methods to hide the intentions of laws by using positive names for it , unspecific juridical items or failing controls or a possible wider juridical interpretation f.e. so that the effect can be very different. Therefore the media are politically controlled , monopolized and mainstreamed using calming down methods while presenting facts partly without  mentioning the whole political relations , if aggression is used than reality TV goes to the front but not presenting the politicial backgroud infromation for it , so over all it is not easy for people really to realize what is going on .   
The actual next steps of the political agenda are tranferred further on in Davos ( economic issues) or in Bilderberg in monarchistic Netherland ( political, secret service,  militaristic and European issues) via the hosenbandorden of the knights of the British Queen to political networkers . The networkers are working in the over 6000 most important international positions our public TV informed us in Germany. 
For beoming the head of the world the British Monarchy nowadays is already not only the head of the 54 commonwealth states like GB, Canada , Australia , but of over 120 nations, like India , but so also secretly Germany , France , Austria, USA itself  etc. 
The Queen is only allowed to visit nations she is the head of, because officially she is not allowed to work politically. In 1965 after 20 years of negotiations , she vsitied Germany in all three militaristic zones , the Brisith in the north , the French in the middle and the US zone in the south , 1967 also Austria and later also the former East part of Germany/DDR . The Britians and the USA ended monarchies not only in Germany , but also in Rumania, Bulgaria , Italy, became head of India and ended in Japan replacing them with fake democracies , ended  monarchy in Russia and China with a revolution by the analysation of their own invented anglo -american economic system of maximum profit in „Das Kapital“ of Marx in London sponsored by an industrial named Engels. Afer given us their own white privileged ideology with the introduced Austrian Hitler for crashing down ecomocically, scientifically and socially leading Germany in the 1. and 2. WW for crashing down ,  dividing and blaming us internationally . (See publications and lectures of network insider Rudolf Steiner of 1917.) After publishing this Prince Charles as a substitue of the queen was in German parliament  november 2020 as the head of Germany !       
The political agenda is methodically realized by politicial crisis szenarios making fundmental changes like reductions of civilian rights plausible for people to accept f.e. for „our health or safety“.  
Also I could figure out that the coranapandeme was planned by Rockefeller Foundation with experts and artifical intelligence for a big political and econocmic reset fro crashign dwon midle class business and for teh benefit of Global busniess . Before it started it was already organised by Gates Foundation f.e. for nanochipping people for introducing a big surveillience system everywhere with microsoft project ID 2020  via G5. The wohle pandemie was wrongly managed  medically/epidedemiologically at all international institutions or governments payed by Gates Foundation I could give evidence as a physician and doctor for interne medicine.   - see therefore my blog : rmgeilich.blogspot.com , since okotber 2020 . It can provide the US Imperium with foreground opinions for starting the 3 WW already all sponsered by Gates Foundation or obvouslay misleaeded by them. 
„Defender 2020“ at that time was a militaristic invasion by the USA in Germany – it is not the nato /otan defender 2021 nowadays! - obviously expecting my publications of the coronapandemie in my blog for being ready for crashing us down if needed. We had a lot of demonstrations against the government and new started political parties therefore ! There is also a procedure running at our highest constituional law court in Karlsruhe and also an investigation started by me at the generel prosecutor against our goverment because of high treason ; leading a international agenda against the intererst of their own people and nation they are representing is high treason !.  It is the same everywhere !
Spending my whole time and my property for my investigations and activities I run already out out of money, living as homelss without  health insurance eagerly needing important medication I cannot pay any more . That will be dangerous for live . So you are my last hope .
So please I am asking for your support for peace and against the 3. WW that can already start out of US - military bases in East Europe with an atomic war against Russia , already beginning in 2022 when nato/otan should have ended their new militaristic armation in Europe odered by the USA. 
All wars of the usa were illegal since th 2. WW a historian scientist of Switzerland could give evidence , Daniele Ganser ! The will start the 3, WW blaming others using a strategy of undermining all institutions  but they are all sponsored by gates foundation;  in fact it is the original strategy of the british crown : so is the Queen of GB the owner of the property not only of London governement district,  but also of Washington district after failing to win the militaristic fights in three independence wars in us -history for undermining the US -Kongress later with her misleaded networkers and underruling the us -constitution with their white priviliged ideology? ? I could not figure out yet . You can take him as a wittness,  he is introduced into the hidden political agenda and is a specialist lawer of constituional laws in the usa ! 

Thank you for reading and for your social engagement all over the world.  
God bless you ! 

Dr med Regina Maria Geilich      Paypal: Regina Geilich 

PS: It would be better doing a fair taxation not only on working hours and consuments products, but also on property, the society themselve can decide in directdemoracy and basisdemocracy participation tools for transparent policy how to invest this money for common wellfare for the participation of all members of the nation than giving money in the hands of few global plutocratcs for realizing their own interests often under false flag. You see the coming out : a never ending war for the world power in a big lie because most people are failing in power and richness.   

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