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Tuesday, May 22, 2018

an atomaaufsicht

regina geilich Anhänge18:32 (vor 1 Minute) an iaeany Dear Director . Board Members of the General Conference and all Member states, with htis application I would like you all to check if the uSA, Federal Republik of Germany, Rumania and Poland are violating existing international treaties based on information published on German public TV. It is for freedom, against nuclear wars and against the preparations for the Third World war for an ideology based militaristic government change in Russia and China according on a list of illegal wars by the usa according to the book :" illegale Kriege ( illegal wars), Daniele Ganser, doctor for History of University of Zürich, Switzerland . see letter with signature attached Thank You. Sincerley Dr med Regina Geilich 3 Anhänge

 Dr. med Regina Geilich, Böckmannstr. 3, 59439 Holzwickede , Germany , rmgeilichblogspot.com , rmgeilich @gmail.com To: International Atomic Energy Agency , Meetings: March, June , twice September, November Director General Mr. Yukiya Amano, Japan , The Chairman of the Board of Governors: Ambassador Darmansjah Djumala, Indonesia , Vice-Chairs :. Ambassador Liselotte Kjarsgaard Plesner, Denmark and Ambassador Andrej Benedejcic , Slovenia All 35 Board Members of the General Conference : https://www.iaea.org/about/governance/board-of-governors: including : Belgium , Denmark , France, Italy, Netherlands, , Russian Federation, Slovenia , U.K. Northern Ireland , USA all 60 Members -States : https://www.iaea.org/about/governance/list-of-member-states Vienna International Centre, PO Box 100 , A 1400 Vienna , Austria : official email : https://www.iaea.org/contact/official-mail IAEA-Liason Office Geneva, Room A 570 , Palais de Nations, Ch, 1211 Geneva10, Switzerland ; iaeage@unog.ch IAEA-Liason Office NY , 1 United Nations Plaza, Room DC -1- 1155 ; NYC 10017, USA; iaeany@un.org media contact: https://www.iaea.org/contact/press-office RE: Application for checking the governmets of the USA for possible violation the existing international treaties and laws of disarmament , especially the Intermediate-Range-Nuclear -Force -Treaty ( INF- Treaty) , the Nucelar Non-Proliferation Treaty and the KSCE -Treaty of Helsinki with threatening the Federation of Russia and its defensing strategy with possible aggressive nuclear weapons and with ground -launched cruise missile systems; Application for checking the government of Federal Republic of Germany for possible and wanted violation the existing international treaties and laws of disarmament , especially the Intermediate-Range-Nuclear -Force -Treaty ( INF -Treaty ), the Nucelar Non -Proliferation-Treaty , the KSCE -Treaty of Helsinki , in providing the USA with storages for new modernized atomic and possible aggressive weapons and with militarian carrier systems for using them with threatening the Federation of Russia and its defensing strategy with possible aggressive nuclear weapons ; Application for checking the government of Rumania for possible and wanted violation the existing international treaties and laws of disarmament, especially the Intermediate-Range-Nuclear -Force -Treaty ( INF- Treaty) , the Nucelar Non-Proliferation Treaty and the KSCE -Treaty of Helsinki , in terms of a possible support of the USA by providing the USA with establishments for the cruise missiles systems on Rumanian territory threatening the Federation of Russia in its defensing strategy with this new possible aggressive nuclear weapons and ground -launched cruise missile systems Application for checking the government of Poland for possible and wanted violation the existing international treaties and laws of disarmament, especially the Intermediate-Range-Nuclear -Force -Treaty ( INF -Treaty ), the Nucelar Non -Proliferation-Treaty , the KSCE -Treaty of Helsinki , in terms of a attempted support of the USA in wanted providing the USA weith estabishments for cruise missile systems for disarmament in providing the USA , like the OSCE-Treaty , in providing the USA with establishments for the cruise missiles threatening the Ferderation of Russia in their defensing strategy with this possible affressive attack weapons Dear Mr. Direktor , Chairman, Mr. and Mrs. Vice- Chairperson, Members of the General Conferneces and all Member -States, The Intermediate-Range-Nuclear -Forces -Treaty (INF - Treaty) was signed beween President Gorbatschow of the Sowjetunion and President Ronald Reagan of the USA for disarmament of ground -launched cruise missiles with ranges between 500 und 5,500 kilometer, including atomic waepons ( f.e. : Pershing II (USA) or SS20 (Russia ) In July 2014 the United States declared Russia to be in violation of the INF -Treaty ( ) for the development of the SSC-8 ground -launched cruise missele system with a range of 500 til 5,500 kilometers . But for this accusation the USA obviously could not publish secure evidences. Russia responded to have sea- based cruise missiles as a part of the marine system which are allowed according to the INF- Treaty as it can be seen in the ZDF doku ( see below) . As respond measures the US government decided to build new cruise missile sytems already . Russia has counterclaimed that the U.S. had already deployed ground -launched cruise missele system in Rumania ( this fact can be seen , see below : ZDF / frontal 21: pictures :minute 27:00 ff ) and the US. is going to do so as well in Poland - this seems to be a concret visible violation of the INF- Treaty by the USA in fact. ! . THe 115. Congress of the USA at the fist session , begun at January, 3 , 2017 , Committee of Budget decided over following funds: (b) AVAILABILIY of FUNDS._ Of the funds authorized to be appropriated by this Act for Fiscal Year 2018 for research , development , test , and evaluation, as specified in the funding table in division D $58,000,000 shall be made available for the development of- (1) active defenses to counter ground -lauched missile systems with ranges between 500-and 5,500 kilometers ; (2) countervailing strike capablilitiers to enhance the capabilities of the United Stes identified in section 123(d) of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal year 2016 (public Law 114-92; 129 Stat. 1062). (c) DEVELOPMENT OF INF RANGE GROUND -LAUNCHED MISSILE SYSTEM (1) ESTABLISHMENT OF A PROGRAMM OF RECORD.- TE Secretary of Defense shall establish a programm of recort to develop a conventional road -mobile ground -lauchned cruise missile ......between 500 to 5,500 kilometers .... This seems to be clearly a violation of the INF Treaty. ( see : https://www.zdf.de/politik/frontal-21/frontal-21-vom-13-maerz-2018-100.html Minute ...................... As second responding measurement the USA decided for a " Nuclear Posture Review " for developing and testing new modern atomic bombs. Therefore this year Pr. D. Trump of the USA also signed a dekret for development of new nuclear weapons, modernized , steerable and more accurate applicable ! https://www.zdf.de/politik/frontal-21/frontal-21-vom-13-maerz-2018-100.html: Minute 24:30 ff , (see minute 24:36:) This seems to be a clear violation of the INF and the Nuclear - Non -Proliferation Treaty as well . This seems also to be a clear violation of the OSCE , including USA and the Federation of Russia ( https://osce.org/de/participating-states) as the successor organization of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, KSZE, according to this existing Treaty- contents of the KSZE -Treaty of Helsinki from 1975, to " stopp threaths of violence " , to realize " trust building activities " seeking for "political relaxation for the security against disorders and arguments " , to activate effectful measurements for "security and dearmation" regarding " !! both sides of political and military security aspects " !! and start " better cooperations in ecnonomy , science , technic, and environment " for the security of " !! Europe as a Whole !! " regarding the "souverain equal interests of all members " to reestablish " friendly relationsships ". Rumania should have supplied the USA with establishments for the new cruise missile systems on the Rumanian territory at the Nato East frontier threatening the Federation of Russia in their defensing strategy because this new ccruis missile systemcan be used This apliccation is done in direct addition to my application from 2015 against the USA and the Federal Republic of Germany before against new dirigibles nuclear attack weapons of the USA ( see: Frontal 21 from 22.09.2015 ) . 20 Nuclaer bombs - each 4 times stronger than in Hiroshima- should have been stored in Büchel in Germany . The taining of German fighter jet pilots in carrying and dropping them into the target is violating international Treaties of Prohibition of using atomic weapons as Hans M.Kristensen of the Nuclear Information Projects in Washington, D.C. remarked . Thisis also violationg the internal decret of the Ministry of Defence of the Federal Republik of Germany , "Druckschrift , Einsatz 03, humanitäres Völkerrecht in bewaffneten Konflikten- Grundsätze ". I want to repeat that Germany is providing the USA with storages for atomic bombs , with fighter jets as militarian carrier systems and is training the fighter jet pilots for dropping those atomic bombs. North Atlantic Council has emphasized that, " full compliance with the INF Treaty is essential" . Therefore I have to do the application for checking the USA as a member -states the IAEA for possible violation the existing treaties and laws again, threatening the Ferderation of Russia in their defensing strategy with this possible aggessive attack and atomic weapons Therefore I would like to to do an application for checking the Federal Republik of Germany for supporting the USA by storing nuclear weapons in Germany , supplying Nato with military carrier sytems and training fighter jets pilots for dropping this nuclear bombs further on threatening the Federation of Russia in their defensing strategy with this possible aggressive attack and atomic weapons. Therefore I would like to do an application for checking Rumania for supporting the USA by establishing ground-launched cruise missiles on Rumanian territory at the eastern frontier of NATO threatening the Ferderation of Russia in their defensing strategy with this possible aggressive attack and atomic weapons. Therefore I wouldlike to do an application for checking Poland for going to support the USA in future by establishing ground-launched cruise missiles on Polish territory at the eastern frontier of NATO threatening the Ferderation of Russia in their defensing strategy with this possible afggressive attack and atomic weapons References: https://www.zdf.de/politik/frontal-21/frontal-21-vom-13-maerz-2018-100.html www.zdf.de/ZDFmediathek#/beitrag/video/2496520/Frontal21-Sendung-vom-22-September-2015: ab Minute 14:18 !

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