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Monday, January 15, 2018

bitte um mithilfe

wollte weitere senatoren kontaktieren , ist aber geblockt worden durch facebook....

bin von cantwell  bis cotton gekommen...

hier der text : bitte diesen ebenfalls zu versenden über mehrere verschiedene accounts:

Dear all Kongressmen and -women,
According to publications of ZDF TV German Board NYC I want to inform you  about the high suspicion of a business plot of D. Trump .
Already since spring of 2017 its at your goverment ,
FBI Headquarters , https://tips.fbi.gov/#googtrans(nl)2.: Sonderermittler des FBI  : Robert Mueller of the U.S . Department of Justice
U.S. Department of Justice, press@usdoj.gov, Direktor:  Sarah Isgur Flores,  Deputy- Direktors : Ian Prior,  Wyn Hornbuckle
U.S. House Of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515, C/O   Terri Sewell Kongresswoman, Demokrats, Commission on Protecting American Democracy from the Trump Adminsitration , The House Intelligence Comittee, Committee Russia Investigation
Committee on the Judiciary, c/o   Whitehouse, Sheldon (D-RI).,   c/o Hirono , Mazie  (D- HI) , http://judiciary.senate.gov
Franken, Al (D-MN) ,  interns@franken.senate.gov ; mninterns@franken.senate.gov.,
Richard Burr , (R-NC) ,(FISA )., Mark Warner ( D-VA) , (FISA), the press ot the government and since June 2017 it is also at the special investigator Robert Mueller , at several Senators ot the Kongress, the secret service -they all quit their work -, Washington post , NYTimes , the German TV , several European Presses , and alreay published im my political blog rmgeilich.blogspot.com  
Its also absolute important to check if there is also a hidden political agenda going on in the West block nations underruling  the state rueld by the law and the democracies based on ineffective democratic struktures which are only formally legitamized. It seemed to be based on a white privileged ideology from the Bristish aristocracy in GB and the USA for the benefit of a international rich society-based on the old richness of the Commwealth, later went into the underground in secret societies( skulls and bones, illuminati etc. )  after the first democratic struggles in Europe ,  swept over politically to the USA later , benefited by a rich privileging financial system for an easy increasing of virtual values , using an unfair economic system for maximizing profits by using  private investment capacities for the change of virtual values in real estates producing mostly loosers worldwide, using your militarism based on lies for `modern theater wars´ for increasing the political and economical influence to control mostly all ressources and nations of the world, murder people of another religions, implanting a totalitarian suveillance system against all people without specific reasons for Big Data misuse for controlling peoples politically and for economic spionage and manipulating peoples with soft power technics by media - all for the benefit of a international rich led by the richest woman on earth , Elizabeth II of GB .
Fot this agenda they put critical people or witnesses against this system on your not democraticaly controlled so called `black list´ - iam a evidence for it-  for separating them out of society by psychiatry because there is no objective test to verify a psychose, by eliminating them using X ray- expositions pushing them into cancer without giving them curable medical therapy later , infecting them with deadly diseases , e.g. HIV (AIDS ), without given them the correct diagnose for pushing them into death - altougth it can be cured easily (see blog) !- , or even poisining them (see blog) .
This ideology behind this agenda is based on the evangelical religion interpreting the bible word for word like a scientific book and is also based on the roman-catholic and protestatic common bible with wrong translations and theological changes in to fit Christianity to the Roman Impire´s power and now into the US- Impire´ s power because both - the political Impires  and the christian churches always want to build a world wide Impire..
Please check it immediately- its your duty and obligation to do this !-  because then you would have a cimcinal president according to a business plot, this agenda is working against your own constitution according to a political plot as well , but you all , Kongressmen and Kongresswoman, are giving this agenda your authority to continue...I am under judiciary mobbing and in special danger now .According to the information , evidences given above  I would like you to consider about an impeachment- procedure for President D. Trump. Robert Mueller seems to do nothing ...and your president will lead us all into the Third World War for a government change in China and Russia.
Yours sincerely
Dr med Regina Maria Geilich
Information and all evidences are also available at ZDF German TV: "Media Inquiry " Johannes Hano , NY ,corresponendent of ZDF German public TV,
Bureau Chief New York ZDF German TV, Board Member IPI (International Press Institute), 747  3rd Ave Rm 3402, New York, NY 10017 (212) 371-5638
and were send to emails :  request@who.eop.gov, press@who.eop.gov. and press@trumporg.com
were published on German TV:
www.zdf.de/nachrichten/zdf-mittagsmagazin/170534-sendung-mim-100.html: minute 26:44 ff. und Minute 29.49: Johannes Hano
about Trumps and Bayrock deals see:  www.nytimes.com/200712717/nyregion/17trump.html: "Real Estate Executive with Hand In Trump Project Rose From Tangeld Past"-June 05, 2017 , von Methew Cole , Richard Esposito, Sam Bilddle, Rayn Grim
https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/documents/os-jcomey-060817.pdf : Statement For The Record ,Senate Select Committee On Intelligence, James B. Comey , June. 06.2017.
https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/heute-journal/heute-journal-vom-06-juni-2017-100.html: minute 2: 25 ff
www.zdf.de/nachrichten /heute-jounrnal /heute-Journal-vom-06-juni-2017-100.html:  Angfang : Neue NSA- Enthüllungen
https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/heute-journal/heute-journal-vom-06-juni-2017-100.html: minute 2: 25 ff

ich bin auf die medienvertreter . nicht nur ,dass sie uns alle verblöden und auch Mitschuld tragen an der verheimlichten Politkagenda und der aktuell hundertausenden Toten im Mittleren  Orient, sei haben auch mich nur instrumentalisiert , um die agenda loszuwerden , aber sie bringen mich in Todesgefahren durch ihre beharrliches Verschweigen, dann sie stehen alle für dieses leistungsfreie Komplott als einen Teil davon udn wollne ieen nciht funktioneirenden Demokratiesystem und die Staatskirchen udn das Parteiensystem weiter aufrecht erhalten ...das aber reicht nicht !

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