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Sunday, December 17, 2017

robert mueller

regina geilich

Anhang6. August 2017 um 09:40
An: press@usdoj.gov

Dear Mr. Robert Mueller ,special investigator of the Trump INvestigation, 
US department of the USA,
according to my letter with information from the political report of German TV from Johannes  Hano , Bureau Chief New York, NY 10017(212) 371-5638, correspondent  of ZDF, German public TV, now already available  in ZDF mediathek: ZDF Zoom, "Gefährlichen Verbindungen" you can get further information, background information , emails and other evidences their- but not from me . 
I have only seen their report on German TV.
So when you want to check this information and want to have the background information then you should contact the investigativ journalist their .
But  if you only want me to force to come to the USA and danger my life to distract this information from your Department of Justice or throw me into a danger situation for my life then its an evidence that your whole democracy and your juridical system is not working. 
This already  most of the people in your own country who voted for a "change"  and now would like to vote for a "revolution " of Bernie Sanders and even voted for D. Trump to have a strong man against the political establishment think in the same way.
They dont believe in your democratic system , its globalised economy and your  anglo- american financial system any more that only works for the benefit of a fes rich people. In many countries all over the world people dont believe in your democracy and its lies  , your economical system and this anglo-american system which only produces loosers for the benefit of a few rich people.
ican only tell yu that I dont have further informaion , i only got it from the Geran TV-so when you want to force me to USA the its a evience that you only want to threaten me to distract this information from your departmetn that you dont have to deal with it against D Trump.
This kind of  procedures to underrule the justice are even well known in Judiciary.
Yours sincerely 
Dr med Regina Geilich
my handwritten  letter which signature is added, also my id card in back and front side - so my personal identification should be clear to you. 

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und zusäztlich meine id card

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