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Monday, December 11, 2017


offensichtlich haben bisher alle Senatoren wohl entweder aus Feigheit oder aus korruption heraus , die  über diesen Beitrag aus dem post dirkte von mir erfahren ahben oder indirekt in Kenntnis gesetzt wruden ihre Arbeit eingestellt. welche ein schwachsinn! denn es geht um ihre eigene Nation !

dahe folgender zusatz an die Senatoren :
I would like yout to consider as well that the existing democratic structures are not working properly sothat the state ruled by the  law as well as the democratic systeme itself can be underruled by another,  secretely hidden political agenda that can be standing  in opposition to  your own constitutiona law . The ZDF German public TV knows and published on TV that this political agenda was already documented and filmed . So I would like you immediately to ask there for further information about this documentaries and reports . I have informed a lot politicians and committees in the US parlament   alraedy .
So as responsible politicians of the political most important Nation worldwide and for the benefit of your own citizens as their representatives and in important political functions in the USA you all should think about to come out with the whole truth as soon as possible and not only to quit your job as politicians because it is your resonsibility to clear this situation at once for the benefit of your own Nation as long as this hidden and possible dangerous and criminal agenda might harm your own Nation and other countries as well with obviously dangerous political issues and priviliging laws for only e few people and possible criminal methods.


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