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Sunday, December 20, 2020

Email to Harris 7 do Not bomb Paris and Berlin

 needed in Industrie 4.0 and preparing the 3. world war with crashing down the EU, especially 

Germany and France. 

The unspecific test was not an idea of Prof. Drosten/ Charite , is the order of the WHO function 

done by 4 different states Hongkong, GB , Netherland and Germany ; it was ordered by WHO 

financed by Gates foundation for vaccinating the whole population for controlling them by 

nanochipping them with Microsoft in ID 2020, reducing them by diseases and press Europe in an 

financial desaster for compensation as a kind of second Versailler negotiation .

The German people dont want this pandemie , nor this vaccination, nor the test , that is not our idea 

or own decision , it´s done under the hidden head of the British Monarchy wich are deciding and 

ordering out of the monarchistic crown counsil, they are the origin of all desasters in the last 

centuries as an international strategy of the British monarchy agenda , we are demonstrating against 

it , virologist sent letters to our government, political activist are struggling against it : we cannot 

stopp it in fake democracies without influence on the political agenda at all , so do not blame or 

punsih us for this . 

I am informing you for not to start a third world war and atomic bombing of Berlin for the corona -

pandemie because it planned by Britain, it was not the decision of other European Peoples : they 

have pressed in Macron using simple media tricks and will put Le Pen in position as next I could 

read in publications from GB in Rudolf Steiner ´s university library ,Switzerland : both is the 

strategy of GB- Imperium also untermining your US constitution and state led by the British 

Monarchy and decided in their secret crown council . It will be a desaster for the whole world ! 

Better concepts are still existing for a fair future for all !

Think about when in highest position and respeonsibility. Do not sear in this agenda : Do not start a 

war against the whole world ! 


Dr med Regina Geilich Fax sollte laufen !

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