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Sunday, December 20, 2020

Email to Harris 3 Scheiss tablett

 known his connections to Russia in detail of his background and didn t take him out of campaign 

for security reasons ? Is this a planned szenario of the USA itself creating a desaster they should and

could have prevented the election themselves if had correctly worked in CIA function? 

So please as a lawyer stop this media and juridical szenario because its homemade of the US 

government and the secret services themselves and not a strategy of the Russians: it was well 

known before . But Trump himself was a candidate elected by the US poeple in a correct way and 

as President he has only fulfilled his election programme he was standing for : so what ? : the fault 

is in the CIA and US Government itself and not in Trump as president. 

So is this Trump Russian affair another long term prepared szenario of the US government itself for

pushing political strategies through the media and the public mind because the govenment and the 

secret services already knew his dangerous connections but let it happen on purpose to misuse the 

selfmade skandal affair later for starting the third World War against Russia and Europe for 

damaging the whole world , especially Europe , with an atomic world war for becoming the one 

and only world government by crashing all others down violating international laws and the 

souveranity of other peoples states ???? 

So please, you are a specialist for political sciences , economy and judiciary , stopp the misuse of 

the secret service information for pushing through political interests of the usa and especially of the 

Bristish crown against the peoples of the world in a davastating militarism ?

By the way, according to the insider of poltiical elite networks of the thule society , like illuminati , 

freemasionaries , skulls and bones and so on: Rudolf Steiner as an Austrian member of thulesociety 

gave evidence that the First World War was also a planned, sponsored and prepared szenario of the 

British crown with over 360 murders by their special“ queen in Parliament“ system and th secret 

crown council in GB to start the first world war, kicking out several european monarchies or - 

unfortunately the russians were killed - , the second world war was introduced by the Versailler 

negotiation and the black friday as a weapon of the angloamerican financial system crashing down 

the german middle class into hunger, starvation , unemployment and then presenting hilter , raised 

by the political networkers of the thulesociety as a lecturer , got a german passport by a trick and 

then financed by the the usa in his DAP , later NSDAP - political party and presented to the 

suffering German population as a saviour and deliverer out of this US GB- Imperium produced 

desaster and installing their British white privileged Monarchy ideology with hilter in Germany 

infected in those elite networks. According to Steiner ´s testimony as a member of those networks 

the British Monarchy perverted those elite network from former commonwellfare sense to their 

privileged plutokracy networks with introduced fake pamphlets by a British journalist , writer for 

the British parliament , presented as historical scriptures found in India . Steiner gave evidence of 

this as an insider witness of those political networks the Britains are working with , in his lectures 

„Karma of untruthfullness“ in 1916/17 at the 1 WW .

As a well studied lady in policy, economy and judiciary you may have realized that the British 

Monarchy created the modern type of fake democracy while the English people struggled for 

democracy in England . The Britains were spreading this around all over the world with their 

occupational militarism for having power everywhere via their invented angloamerican financial 

system and gobalizied , monpolized economy and this political networks underming fake 

democracies . This political structure is named „institutional fake democracy“ because people dont 

have any influence on the candidates, political positions or the political agenda.

After the 1. and 2. world war the British Monarchy fired aristocracy in Germany, Austria, Hungary,

Italy, Bulgaria , Japan and India depowered and self introduced as an Emporer - in Russia they 

were killed but laready wearing the crown jewelleries of the Zar - always a provocative symbol of 

power over this nation . 

The British Monarchy is only allowed to visit countries and nations where they are the head of . By 

oath they have to respect the constitutions and the laws in the nations they are the aristocratic head 

of . But in their susperspreaded fake democracies they can act via their „hosenbandorden“ and the 

„order of the bath“. The eldest knights orders on earth. They can act with in monarchistic countries

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