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Thursday, May 2, 2019

dringende unterstuetzung

as  a polical blogger ,aktivist und whistelblower I could find out , that we are now living in a  so called “institutional fake- democracy”:  there we do not have any influence on the political  agenda  or the  most important political positions, nor the political agenda they are realizing  , nor the people working in public  media informing  us or the  institutions like law courts and prosecutors they are now all  under the control of the political parties . Insider of the political hidden long term agenda –like Rudolf Steiner – had pulished 100 jears before:_karma of untruthfullness : -  about the British preparations of the  1. world war ( WW) , the us- preparations of the 2 WW ,after this the usa have only realized illegal wars on earth : now they are  preparing  the 3 WW .: I sent emails to europarat , the european governments and the us government , to the international nuclear controlling institutions in vienna and NYC ; as a medical whistleblower, specialist for internal medicine  and former senior  house officer I could inform : AIDS can be healed  with HIV elimination therapie, we have an antiarteriosklerose treatment –so no one must die from  a  heartinfarkt or apoplex :kept away from market by Phizer ;  we have an anticancer drug from the tropical rainforest produced by Ecobiotics company , Jungaburra , Australia enabling the immunesystem to recognize cancer cells again and crush down the tumor without sideffects within a few days  : not let into markets since 10 jears .the western political system have poisoned me with thallium , the have infected me with HIV(could heal it) , now I have a brain tumor, and I am running out of money . please support me in continuing my work against the 3 WW and keeping my health insurance –the 3. WW will be a desaster on earth :  see :rmgeilich.blogspot.com.: posted summarising letter from post 04.04.19 in blog : "an alle kongressmitglieder, bitte faxen "with all important links for informing the us congress about the hidden political agenda :please read , fax or give in from the different states of the usa to all members of the congress to stop the 3. WW ....

for my financial support : 
IBAN DE 70 443500600018307017


bitte unterstuzten Sie  mich , ich darf meine Krankenversicherung nicht verlieren ..
merkel will mich sonst erpressen , auf das geld fure die Stiftung zur weltweiten politischen Bildung udn Information zu verzichten . Wollt Ihr das , es sind nur noch knapp  3 Jahre bis zum 3 wk ! wir muessen in grossen Stil die anderen Leute erreichen ... udn sie aufklaren fürdie Machenschaften des verlogenen und subtil vorgehenden mittelalterlich ausgerichtetem Machtssystemes , dem sich auch die Amtskirchen angeschlossen haben! 

siee auch NUcear Age Peace foundation: www.wagingpeace.org
oder The UK Caldicott Guardian council: sleepwalk into armageddon   

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