19:32 (vor 0 Minuten)
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Dr med Regina Maria Geilich , Böckmannstr. 3 , 59439 Holzwickede, Germany
John H. Krystal , MD and staff
Director of Department of Psychiatry
Yale Universitiy, New haven, CT, 06520
Psychiatric Congress of Yale Univerisity ` Duty to warn´ about D. Trump .
Dear MR . John Krystal and memeber´s of staff,
Reading a report about Your congress I start hoping you do all what´s needed to take Trump out of job !
But it is not only one president that is failing politically in the USA - ts the whole system with its agenda
The next war will be against Iran . The International Atomic Agency just has emphasized in his last report that they could not find any violations of the Iran atomic contract by Iran . The Iranian religious leader has just emphasized to start the atomic programm again , this will be the starting point for the war the USA want !
It will be the next illegal war of the USA after they have devasted the Mid East :
first the USA start a war in Afghanistan because their is a trillion dollar worth in ground. 9/11 was known and prepared by the US secret services a community of architects and enginieers in the USA found out finding explosion makers in the dust later on after they defined it to be a typical "controlled demolition " of a building.
Then the USA started the next military act for a government change in Irak , therefore they use illegal phosphoric bombs and low radiation bombs für violating the health of the population there . Then they failed in installing a functional government , fired al lof of poeple out of military, then the secret services came in , togehter with the military they installed torturing prisons like Abu Graib, started media campagnes for rising old religious conflicts between sunnits and schiits blaming one want to kill the other side like a genocide, producing the rebellion of IS as "a product of the West" ( cite by German public TV !) , then they made political pressure over the government crashing down all protection standards for their own economy and forcing them to privatise all , and at least the financial complex came into to overtake the estates ( datas from public German TV ). At least they had crashed down whole cities by a asymmetric and indifferentiate war by jet-fighters against cilvilized areas ! (also illegal war strategy!) .
Iran will be the next state the US will attack based on lies as they call it "modern theatre wars " ( cite US secret service ), first blaming the Iran
to violate the atomic disarmament contract altough the International Atomic and Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna states in their lastest report that full compliance with the Treaty is reached , but the USA has put Iran under economic boykott again so that they could press them to start with the atomic programm again . now they have the reason to fight against them . On German TV we could see already months before that that US politicians made meetings with Exil- Iranians in the USA to celebrate that in one year they would have succeded the government change in Iran as well as the have done it in Irak - also based on lies !.
Since decades the USA is starting illegal wars based on lies !
Pr. Trump and the Republicans are obviously preparing the Third World War !!. They are collecting reasons for a government change in Russia -connected with China , therefore the USA has installed US militäry bases in Rumania and will do it in Poland as well .They can intiate an atomic war against Russia and then do not have to decide wether they take part in via NAto or not- the can deciede by themselsve as a mamer state of the Nato to do so when its in the itnerest of the usa. But teh uSA is interested in to carsh down old Europe since centuries !
In docus on German TV we could see how the 1. and the 2. world war was prepared by the GB and the USA to damaged continental Europe . They will do it as well in the third world war ... this will be a desaster. therfore they will bring out all the bad and criminal background relationships - "dangerous connections "- of Trump he had before which was published on German TV as well ( see: zdfzoom : gefährliche verbindungen )
Pr. Trump and the USA have also obviously violated the the cruise missiles contract and the international atomic contracts because he decided to develope new atomic bombs and new cruise missiles for the range to 5500 miles in January.. he blamed Russia to do so as well but could not give any evidences for this -like they did it before with Irak !.
I made an application therefore at the International Atomic and Energy Agency in Vienna , NYC and Geneve against USA , Federal Republik of Germany, Rumania and Poland für checking them if they are violating the existing contracts by producing modernised atomic bombs and storing them, also in Germany .
The USA is initiating one illegal war after another. You can read it all in a book form a Doctor for History of University of Zürich, Switzerland, Daniele Ganser, now SIPER Institute, Basel : "illegale Kriege". And now they are preparing the THIRD WORLD WAR for a govenment change in Russia and China next.
That will be a desaster. They have neutronic bombs never used before, but they will "test" it !! . It comes together with the new industrial revolution called
" Industrie 4.0 ", the combination of learning PCs , sensor technic and roboting systems. They can produce all products without people, a new roboter can sew a T- shirt for Adidas in 20 seconds 24/7/365 in dark industrial complexes. In a short time they don´t need the most of us any more. ! In the third world they want to kill 2/3 of all poeple !
I am in Switzerland now , here are all the backgound information and insider information of witnesses of that time before in archieves , espacially how the US- GB -Imperium has prepared the first and also the second world war , training , financing, materially supporting the NSDAP with juridical training German judges in rassistic laws , supporting Germany with petrol and 10 MRD $ just in the 1920th for the NSDAP . But only after the Black Friday , the crash down of the whole middle class, hunger, starvation and massive joblessness in Germany and after three votation (former two times only 3 % of the votiations ! ) with a lot of money for propaganda with thousands of campagne meetings emphasizieng the new "messias " Hitler " only 30 % of the Gemans voted for the NSDAP al least the in the third election , also ecomomically strangulated by the Versailler contract after the first World War - a catastrophic event for Germany dn Austria as well -the frist wrole dwar also inititialsized with over 360 murders financed via Geneve /Switzerland before ! the really acters "behidn the political curtains " we should not know !
All this political background information of this procedures are be are in archieves in Zwitzerland but were not allowed to give into the Nuernberger Prozess - it was only a forground theatre hiding the actors "behind the curtain" ! Your people voted for D. Trump " as a strong man " under less existing pressure ! But its the same procedure working for teh so called "white trash of unemployees " , also with the extremising of the IS "as a product of the West " done by media camagnes of the USA in the Mid East threatening that one religious islamic group will do a genocide to the other while torturing them in Abu Graib. The USA were using phosporic bombs and low raditation nuclear bombs in hte MId East , as we were informed in dokus on public TV, pushing a lot of people espacially into cancer/ leucämia or pregant woman into abortion !
Some families lost all of their 5 children -this reates hate udner the populations - creating rebellion groups -pushed forward by religious leaders- htis is always the same procedures they are initialized !
Please try to take Trmp out. You have the power to do this . I hope you will come together in an international congress for initiating a mental test of him .People are worrried that now unter the total influcence of the Republicans Trm and his obvioulsy cirmienel background will later be used for a militarian goverment change in Russia starting with a nucelar third world war .Therefore the USA has already pushed Europe for more armament , this will be the tactic to fight against Russia in the West by the NATO via Europe . Therefore the USA can start a atomic war out of US- miltiary camps in Rumänia and Poland ( in preparation) by themsleves without Nato ! .
Please take him out as fast as possible , becauser now its to eraly to start a war- Europe´s military is not prepared fro itjust now , and years later they cannot use trump against Russia any more , the special investigator Robert Mueller has already all information he needs to start a juridical procedure against him . He decided not to do so as long as he is in diplomatic status , now te republicans obvioulsy having Trump under totally control because of his background ...
Plaese take him out as fast as possible- before Europe has raised more militarism because then they use the psychological shock about Trump´s obviously criminal connections and background with Russia to start a war ...so, please, take him out as fast as possible - then the shock is too long ago to go on war with it later -this psycholgical method is not working any more later !
Pr .Trump has only done an IQ -Test test for excluding demencia , but he is obviously unfit for job because of his character , his morally and mentality disorder - as you have estimated by yourself on Yale congress ! You have all the power to demand a law court experts opinion about him , please help to get rid of him ! Otherwise D. Trump and the Republicans will drive the world into hell...
The special investigator decided not do it , as long Trump is in job . Although he has already a lot of facts about him and the secret services have a lot of background information about his russian criminal connections , we could see also on German TV ::see: ( ZDF-ZOOM "Gefährliche Verbindungen.")
I have done what I could do.......I beg you eagerly to do so as well ...
Please think about your responsibility not only for your own people , bu also for the world´s biggest and most powerful nuclear military complex !.
A third World war will drive all of us in a humane, natural and climate desaster ....
As a poilitical blogger and whistleblower I eagerly would like to think not only about your `duty to warn´ , but about your `responsibility to act´ according to your job and as citizians for all people in the world as the most powerful military state on earth : your are responsible not to let this system in this `matrix of lies´ or the ` karma of unthruthfullness.´
https://www.zeit.de/video/ 2018-06/5799552791001/james- coomey-donald-trump-ist- moralisch-ungeeignet ( morally unfit)
and please think about htis facts:
your whole democratic system should be improved fundamentally because - as we could hear on German public TV media- now it is not garantied that the candidate with the most votations becomes President because of your separated votations state by state. An investigative journalist of the USA also found out that people regularly are kicked out from the election without informing them about this procedure, mostly done in states governed by the Republicans: when there is a name e.g. James D. Brown and also James B. Brown on another votation list somewhere else then they interperete it as the same person and his votation is kicked put out without informing the voters. Its is mostly done with votations by black people or people with migration background , normally typical voters of the Democrats !
in this not workign demorctaic sytems e , the peoplee, have not cance to participate , till now we are only allouwed to legitimate a political party formally- at one day -with a cross -and then we don not have any influence what they are doing in the future ..... know we have the infrastructure to give everyone good objective information , make the policitcal processes transpartrent and let poeple actively participate in improving laws -with the internet- till now it is only used for manipulating us behind the curtain - we could improve a lot-when we had a chance to participate in the political processes..! We, the people, are ready to do this now , it s time to make a change - because , yes, we can !
Dr med Regina Maria Geilich
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