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Tuesday, October 13, 2020



   ---          urgent important information only for the president ;

                        not for  the Vice ,  hand out immediately at person ----

warning : we could hear on German public TV that you got testosteron and cortison  !

the real SARS Virus itself  should be 20 times more dangerous as influenza !

See : german TV : ZDF . heute Journal : saturday 9th. 10. 20

With  testosteron , you feel stronger as you are in reality , but in realitiy the dIsease is not cured out correctly, the immunsystem is only suppressed with cortison , if cortison is given normally in sars disaese than its an severe case with a high amount of antibodies :  if you do not stay calm than you are endagered with a deadly roll back of the disease  : you have urgently to check the  OXYGEN SATURATION IN BLOOD : min. arteriell : 98%  , You need a NMR ( Nuclear Magnetic Imaging) of your lung !!I am a doctor for internal medicine : I swear,   its true !, You would not  be the first president  they have killed ! It is a plot : on rosegaren event there were over 6 people , especially kerryanne Conway sitting behind your first Lady Melania you fired ;She was already symptomatical and positive tested not wearing a mask : this is an attack on the president ! They can drive you with testosteron now with your „big ralley „in a circulation  breakdown or heardinfarkt  :you have high risk factors !  Stay calm,  do not take  this testosteron  : they have given you wrong information about this virus ! you were treated in an military hopsita,l get another check in a public hospital     

Read properly !!!

Dear Mr President Trump, 

SARS – disease means Sever Acute Respiratry Syndrome !, that is  !! !!dangerous !!  , ask  your doctors and get an experts opinion for this ! The pandemie was not named  SARS cov 2 , ( 2002 there was SARS cov 1 -pandemie) ,  Gates Foundations sponsered WHO to give out wrong information“  no human to human infection“  , to  order an unspecific test for „all asian viruses to be deteted „. , effecting the detection of a high amount of undangerous  coughing viruses not only the dangerous sars virus within this positive testings . Rockefeller Foundation and Global business network GBN had worked out this strategy in 2010 for this :“ Szenarios for the future of technology and international development“ see : „locksted“ szenario . The virus came out of your US militäry biological labs.!! There you can read that another virus will follow, Gates foundation wants to vaccinate us all with dangerous vaccination to reduce us and for chipping us with nano microships within teh vaccine . The Rockefeller foundation and microsoft 2020 worked out this : ID 2020  . Gates sponsered WHO . Your political party did not introduce you to this hidden political agenda , as political activist and investigating blogger I could figure it out, they are working hiden political networks !:  Because GB could not win the independence wars in your history to rule you, they had started to work „behind the curtain“ with old European elite networks of freemasionaries , illuminati , skull and bones ,...the british aristocracy  switched them from originally common wellfare to their own interests only,:  they are sitting in!!! both political parties !!!  criminally underruling your constitution , they are not working for you! . Thy are  the hidden head of the USA and Germany as well !  they had ordered this corona - Pandemie , ordered the foundations to realize this , the WHO for giving out wrong information and to prepare an unspecific test, to kick you out to start the government change in russia and china ! and also the attack on your health and to get you out of office to loose the election : Call your doctors to come , get the experts opinion for SARS of your doctors , get military forces to protect you, order your secret service to get the wohle lists of this networkers , forbid them by decret , put a prohibition for policy on them, kick them out of Congress, put them in jail , bring them to law court for underruling your constitution with this networks !! you are a democracy , a free and souveräne nation with your own constitution !!! Obama was introduced to the hidden political agenda : take him for a witness as a lawyer for constitutional law at law court , and take the network insider Rudolf Steiner, as a witness of time and insider about the work of this networks and the szenario of the 1. and 2. World War , background information should be in the vatican , the pope had  already had let experts in for checking , this informations were not allowed to go into the „Nürnberger law courts procedures“ after the 2. World War  : ! So if you want not only to help yourself in future , but also Europe with Gemany as your own origin to prevent us from the 3. World War , delay the election for this ! Call an emergency of state ! This was an attack to the President : the woman sitting behind the first Lady Melania , konway was already symptomatical and tested positiv, but not wearing a mask at rosegarden event ,  together with  several others positiv tested too ! , Prepare all steps well , take care of you , !! garantee for your whole safety  !! : Good luck and success !

For the szenarios of 1 and 2 World War, take the books of  the insider Rudolf Steiner :„Karma of Untruthfullness“, Lectures, Dornach. Suisse , 1916

https://books.google.de/books?id=BSq5byop0rwC&redir esc=y&hl=en : Vol 1, (english)

https://books.google.de/books?id=txM0DwwZepQC&redir esc=y&hl=en, Vol 2,  (english)

Yours sincerely 

Dr med Regina – Maria  Geilich:  rmgeilich.blogspot.com

PS : Stop the vaccination, they are not correctly tested , normally it takes 10 jears for  excluding long term bad side effects , now expecting cancer and autoimmune diseases ! Your staff doesnt seem to inform you correctly. they will blame you for this health desaster too. See:  „Diagnostic detection of Wuhan coronavirus 2019 by RT-PCR  , Berlin , 13.01.20“ from:  Prof christian Drosten , berlin, Germany,  ; koopmans , erasmus univerität, rotterdam, Netherland , maria zambon , public health london , GB;  Malik Peiris , hongkong universität: page 6 : „that all asian viruses are likely to be detected“ ; spread around by aeroplane mobility today , coming in NYC  !

www.amboss.com/de/wissen/pulsoxymetrie_und_Blutgasanalyse ( blood oygen saturation testing)



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